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Minutes: February 13, 2024

Minutes: February 13, 2024

1900 Meeting called to order

No Announcements
November minutes read and approved, Ken/Rodger
Treasurer’s report read and accepted, Phil/John
Repeater Trustee reports all nominal
Hamfest Committee
Bob Stone dropped out of the committee
Looking for new venues, some ideas were the CTC and HCC
Old Business
Motion to modify scholarship to include surrounding counties approved, Zack/Clint
New Business
Motion to create a grant of $500 for the purpose of supporting a new school-based radio club.
Little River will be the first recipient upon receipt of a grant proposal.
Motion passed, Nate/Zack
* Feb 20 ACØMO
* Feb 27 KAØNES
* Mar 5 ACØRL
Won by Melodee
She had the club keep the moola.

1954 Peace and harmony prevailing, meeting adjourned

Minutes: October 10, 2023

Minutes: October 10, 2023

1902 Meeting called to order

* December 16th Derby Radio Shack closing.
* Bob Stone will need assistance with his antenna install.
* September minutes read and accepted. Zack/Phil, passed.
* Treasurer’s report read, Clint/Larry, passed.
* Repeater trustee reports all nominal.
Old Business
* DX Engineering filters
New bandpass filters will not available. Refurbished filters are available for $400 each, Jerry ordered two, and we will be receiving a $638.70 refund. Should arrive October 12. Will announce a test of the filters.
* Christmas party
Last year we spent $322.50 for meat and potatoes. This year we will be ordering pulled pork, turkey, and a double helping of potatoes. Motion to spend $400 for food, Clint/Phil, passed. The party is December 14 in the Rice Park Shelter. There will no plate charge, just bring plenty of side items for pot luck.
* Because of the arrival of the bandpass filters, we purchased a DXCC-LB fan dipole antenna and 100 feet of RG8X from the Derby Radio Shack for $275.
* Armory
Topeka wants to charge us for future use of the facility. Some reimbursement for the cost of utilities? The local staff is not happy about this because they see our organization as a benefit to their mission. The Army accidentally doubled the $6 billion payment to Ukraine, accounting error?
* ARRL membership
The club promotes the membership to ARRL. ARRL no longer makes it easy for clubs to benefit when members renew or sign up via the club. ARRL, like the rest of us, is pinched financially.
* DMR repeater
No word.
* Scholarship
Mark will be canvasing the Reno County Schools. This is a $500 scholarship, but last year we had no takers.
New Business
* ACØRL will be doing a big cleanup of his shed and work area. Volunteers will be appreciated
* The Hutchinson Public Library will be hosting an Urban Legends event on the 26th. You must preregister to attend.
10/17 KBØSQL
10/24 KAØNES
10/31 ACØRL
11/07 WØRHP
* 50/50
KFØBZM won, and donated the $6 pot to the club

1958 Meeting adjourned, Phil/Charles.

Minutes: July 11, 2023

Minutes: July 11, 2023

1900 Meeting called to order

* Check received and deposited from NØFHF’s estate for $2,500

Minutes read and accepted

Treasurer’s report read and accepted

Repeater trustee reports 67 machine down

Old Business

* KS QSO Party August 27-28 at ACØRL’s QTH

* Hamfest, August 12
$250 motion and passed for hamfest radio door prize
To be discussed at August meeting

New business

* Investing or saving a portion of the club monies

* Scholarship: Begin advertising October-November time frame

7/18 ACØMO
8/1 WØUY

50/50 drawing was won by Joe

Radio Kittens are available from ACØMO

Bob Stone, KAØRNZ, will need antenna help when it cools down. Call him at 620-727-0755

1952 Meeting adjourned

Minutes: May 10, 2022

Minutes: May 10, 2022

1900 Meeting called to order

• Minutes of April meeting read
• Treasurer’s report read.
• Committees
 ◦ Field Day, no new reports.
   ▪ Field Day is the last full weekend of June, 25-26.
   ▪ Setup will be Friday the 24th at 9 AM at the Armory.
   ▪ Teardown will be Sunday at 12 PM
   ▪ We will have the Mad Cow
 ◦ Scholarship, no applicants as yet.
• Guests
 ◦ Roger Lower, W5TOQ
• Old Business
 ◦ Mark is acting as our club historian, and he is wanting any old articles, photos, or stories about our club. Contact Mark at
• New Business
 ◦ ARRL is accepting applications for grants.
    ▪ The club discussed applying for a grant to build a tower trailer that would have a generator and could act as a portable U/VHF repeater.
     ▪ Mark and Jerry offered to gather data on such a tower.
 • Ideas presented
   ◦ US Tower manufactures such towers
   ◦ Used Construction Light tower
   ◦ Used TV remote van
 ▪ The tower could be used for the various emergencies that we encounter
   ◦ 5/17 KBØZIA
   ◦ 5/24 KAØNES
   ◦ 5/31 WØRHP
   ◦ 6/7 KIØKG
• 50/50 was won by Mark, but he had the club keep the proceeds of $13
• The shirt was won by WØRHP which he donated to our guest W5TOQ

19:39 Meeting Adjourned

Minutes: January 11, 2022

Minutes: January 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 1900.
ACØRL thanked the membership for their participation in the 160M SSB contest where we placed 1st for the state of Kansas.
October 2021 minutes were read.
There was no treasurer’s report.
Old Business:
* WØWR Scholarship: Mark Rankin, KFØBZM, has agreed to present our scholarship to the area schools.
New Business:
* ARRL sent out a Field Day survey. Please complete it if you received one online.
* Our next Hamfest will be August 13th at the Armory. We’ll look into the Square credit card reader to accept debit and credit cards.
* AD6P’s, Cleon’s, ham radio gear is going to be sold, with priority to club members. Gary, NØFHF, is going through Cleon’s treasures and will provide a list.
* Motion and vote to allow Jake Fields, KBØZIA, to forego dues in consideration for the shirts he provides throughout the year.
* The 50-50 raffle was won by Joe, ACØMO, who donated his winnings to the club, total $9.
* The shirt raffle was won by Mark Rankin.
* Dues are due. You can make a payment via PayPal, $26, to or you can mail in your dues to PO Box 1304, Hutchinson, 67504-1304.
Meeting adjourned.

Minutes: October 12, 2021

Minutes: October 12, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 19:03

Melody Martin, KB5JVT, joined us and also joined the club. She holds a Tech+ with code, and is a fiction writer by trade.


· Instead of our normal November 9th meeting we will hold a party at the ACØRL QTH starting at 6PM. Hotdogs and burgers. Firepit to keep warm and roast them weenies. Bring family, sides, camp chairs, and smores fixins.

· Karen Johnson, KØENJ, Richard Johnson’s wife, passed away.

· NØFHF was allowed out the Hutchinson Loony Bin long enough to attend our meeting.

September meeting’s minutes were read.

Treasurer’s report was read. Jerry was elected as your club treasurer back in 2010 and began in January 2011. Back then our club had a total of $1,600.05 and we were headed on a downward spiral. Some simple changes and careful oversight over the years and we now have $4501.40, that’s an average increase of $290 per year! This allows us to do more things, yet remain responsible.

Repeater Trustee: The power supply in the 67 machine was serviced with a new run cap. Let’s hope we get another 44 years out of it.

Old Business:

· Christmas Party December 14th. A motion by KBØZIA to permit up to $300 for Hog Wild Catering for 30, Seconded By KB5JVT. Passed.

· Motion by KBØZIA, seconded by WØRHP, to budget $250 and to establish a scholarship committee for a scholarship fund. Passed.

· After a motion by WØRHP there was discussion and a vote that the scholarship fund will be named the WØWR Scholarship. Passed. See more about the scholarship below.

New Business:

· A motion for slate of officers for 2022 made by KBØZIA, seconded by NØFHF: President, Charles Tucker; VP, Mark Rankin, secretary-treasurer, Jerome Kahn. Passed.

· A motion to donate a $25 memorial in Karen Johnson’s name to the Hospice House was made by NØFHF, Seconded by WØRHP. Passed

10/19 KBØSQL
10/26 KAØNES
11/02 ACØRL

50/50 crooked raffle:
KBØZIA – $7, Club $8
KB5JVT won shirt drawing.

Meeting adjourned at 20:00

W0WR Scholarship
Minutes: September 14, 2021

Minutes: September 14, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 1901 by President Charles Tucker.

Minutes for August 10th meeting were read.

Treasurers report follows:


Repeater trustee reports that the 146.670 machine is down again. Probably unplugged.

Old Business:

  • Hamfest was successful and fun for all. We made $317.29

  • KS QSO party was excellent

As you can see it looks like we took second, but K5KG was an out-of-state participant, so we are currently in first place. You can track this on

New Business:

  • The club is considering a family day/party on November 9th at the ACØRL QTH. Fire pit, weenie roast, smores, hamburgers, pot luck sides.
  • It was brought up that the club should provide a scholarship to a worthy STEM senior in the Reno County area. We will need to set up a selection committee.
  • 2022 Field Day will be the weekend of June 24-26.
  • We will hold our Christmas Party at the AMvets December 14th  at 7 p.m. Club will provide Hog Wild catering.
  • We are scheduling our 2022 Hamfest for August 13th.


  • Sept 27  WØRHP
  • Sept 28  KAØNES
  • Oct 5      KBØSQL

WØRHP presented a demonstration to the club of the Ed Fong Dual Band J-Pole.

Bill Graves has left us for parts south of the border. We look forward to his return next year.

Meeting adjourned at 1949. Peace and harmony prevailed, mostly…