Minutes: March 14, 2023
Meeting called to order 1903.
Minutes from the February meeting were read.
Treasurer’s Report.
Repeater Trustee: all nominal.
No Old Business.
New Business
There is a mobile tower up for auction near St. Louis, MO. After discussion, there was a motion made by KBØZIA seconded by WØRHP. Due to the distance and the logistics the motion did not pass.
Daryl and Gina from the public library spoke to the club. They are applying for a grant to set up a modern HF/VHF/UHF system that provides digital communications. They would require everything:
* Antennas
* Radios
* Computer to radio interfaces
* Training and support
They require a list of equipment that would satisfy their needs to submit for the grant:
* Radios
* Accessories
* Antenna
* Coax
If you have suggestions, please reply to Jerry at hams@rckara.org.
Mar 21: ACØMO
Mar 28: KAØNES
Apr 4: WØRHP
ACØRL did a presentation (PDF) on his restoration and modification of a Collins 20V-3 AM broadcast transmitter for 75m AM phone.
Meeting adjourned 2100.