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Tag: Field Day

Meeting: April 9, 2024

Meeting: April 9, 2024

1900 Meeting called to order

We had a very good turnout with some new faces and some faces we haven’t seen in a while, so we had everyone introduce themselves.
There was no official meeting last month so reading minutes was dispensed with.
Treasurer’s report was read, Phil/Nate motion – Passed
Repeater trustee reports all repeaters nominal.
Committee reports
Hamfest committee
The HCC Fire Science Building, 3211 E. 4th St., is available for free, except for insurance which will cost $200. There will be a $10 vendor fee and a $5 entrance fee.
Motion to proceed with the hamfest at the fire science building moved, seconded by Charles/John – Passed
Old Business
Field Day
The fairgrounds will allow us to use Gottschalk Park at the fair entrance for $100, no insurance requirements. They will allow access to electricity, bathrooms and shelter. They also assured us the sprinklers will be turned off. Motion to approve Jake/Phil – Passed
Dan brought the club up to date with his ham radio club at Little River School. He was able to use the $500 to purchase many thousands of dollars’ worth of radio and accessories. He has four students signed up.
ACØRL discussed his new shack.
No New Business
Apr 23 WØUY
Two rounds of 50/50
Winner first round was Melody, winning two books.
Winner second round for the cash was KBØZIA, which he donated back to the club, $30

2000 Meeting adjourned, Peace and harmony prevailing…

Minutes: June 13, 2023

Minutes: June 13, 2023

1900 Meeting Called to order


* Derby Sidewalk Sale Saturday June 17th

*Field Day: Set up at the National Guard Armory at 9 a.m. Friday, June 23. Tear down will be at noon Sunday.

Minutes read

Treasurer’s report

Repeater trustee report

Old Business

* Band-pass filters will not be available until September (maybe).

* Field Day:

KAØNES – Water

ACØRL – Pizza

ACØRL will bring K3 and computer for logging

KFØBZM will bring Yaesu 891 for FT8

*Kansas QSO Party:

9AM- 9PM, August 26 and 9AM-3PM August 27. We will be at ACØRL’s QTH. We’ll be running multi high power CW, PHONE.

New Business

* June 20 WØRHP
* June 27 KAØNES
* July 4 NO NET

Next Meeting on July 11


WØRHP won and donated $7 back to the club

1938 Meeting adjourned

Minutes: April 11, 2023

Minutes: April 11, 2023

1901 Meeting called to order


March minutes read
Treasurer’s report read
Repeater trustee’s report

Old Business

Field Day
A motion was made to hold it at the Armory. We will run two radios: phone and digital/cw. We need to look into bandpass filters and duplexers.

This will also be at the Armory. We will need two rooms.

KS QSO Party
This will be a W0WR event at ACØRL’s QTH. We will operate phone, CW, and FT8.

New Business

4-18: WØUY
4-25: KAØNES

Show and Tell
Clint, KEØJVX, brought a Morserino-32. See photo below.

ACØRL won and put the $10 into the club’s treasury.

WØUY is scaling back his equipment needs and has provided a list of items. See photo below. These things have already been sold: solder, radial ground plate, and QRP rigs.

20:00 Meeting adjourned

Clint’s Morserino-32 Morse Code device, combining keyer, trainer, decoder, and transceiver.
A list of things WØUY has for sale. Note in the minutes what has already been sold.
MINUTES: October 11, 2022

MINUTES: October 11, 2022

1900 Meeting called to order at the Chamber of Commerce

  • Announcements
  • August minutes read
  • Secretary-treasurer reports we have a current bank balance of $6976.64
    • WØZC suggested we put some of that in a CD
  • Repeater trustee reports all machines nominal
  • Old Business
    • Christmas Party
      • Dec 13 6PM
      • Building at Rice Park
      • Meat provided by Carriage Crossing
      • Club members provide pot luck, whatever you make best
      • We will have a slideshow of past club events and Christmas music
  • New Business
    • Chamber of Commerce IGNITE program
      • Oct 28th at the Stringer Fine Arts Building
      • We have been given four seats and a display table
      • We have two seats open for whoever replies first
      • 9:30AM – 2PM
    • 2023 Hamfest
      • August 12th at the Armory
    • Field Day
      • We are canvassing our members for ideas on a new venue
        • Safe, good area
        • Public
        • Shelter
        • Overnight
        • Trees
        • Mad Cow accessible
    • ARRL has a program for new members and renewals where the club gets a portion of the fees. It costs nothing extra to the member.
      • Please contact us if you are up for renewal or wish to become a member.
  • NCS
    • Oct 18   WØRHP
    • Oct 25   KAØNES
    • Nov 1     ACØRL
  • Program
    • Mark ranking put on a educational presentation on the VOACAP
      • It is now browser based
      • VOACAP Online for Ham Radio
      • It is a great tool for your dx’ing
      • [WEBMASTER’S NOTE: A link to VOACAP for HF has been added to the sidebar for your convenience.]
  • November elections
    • If you desire to be a club officer please let us know prior to the November meeting when we will be holding our vote for the 2023 slate.

2013       Meeting adjourned

Minutes: July 12, 2022

Minutes: July 12, 2022

1901 Meeting called to order at the AMVETS building

  • Announcements
    • August meeting will be at the Chamber of Commerce.
    • Gary Essells has not been well.
  • Old business
    • Hamfest 2022
      • The Armory has been secured for the location.
      • We may not have VE testing.
      • Club will sell water, coffee, and doughnuts.
        • Motion by Jake and Clint to allow up to $100 for food, passed.
      • We will have a couple of vendors.
      • Club will not buy a door prize; door prizes will be supplied by vendors.
      • Setup will begin Friday August 12th at 5PM.
      • Hamfest will start at 7AM Saturday the 13th.
    • Field Day
      • Discussion on next year running two stations.
        • Two stations will require bandpass filtering.
          • Mark is going to experiment on building some filters.
          • Club does have funds to buy two DX Engineering filters.
      • New public location
        • Site that is visible
        • Can support more than one antenna
    • Grant
      • Grant has been written and sent off for mobile repeater and HF.
  • New Business
    • The Hutchinson DMR repeater is back online.
  • NCS
    • July 19, NØUNI
    • July 26, KAØNES
    • Aug 2, KBØSQL
  • Presentation by Todd, NØUNI
    • He brought and operated a 1938 National NC100XA. See photo below.
  • 50/50
    • Jake won, donated winnings to club, $12.
    • Bill Graves, N7TDK, won a dog helmet for Radar, K9DOG.

2000 Meeting adjourned

Todd Wilson, NØUNI, demonstrates his 1938 National NC100XA.
Minutes: June 14, 2022

Minutes: June 14, 2022

1900 Meeting called to order

May meeting minutes read
Treasurer’s report read and distributed to the membership present
No repeater complaints


Field Day
* Emma has asked Papa Johns to donate pizzas for Saturday meal, they agreed
* John will supply doughnuts and coffee
* Jake will supply water
* Setup will begin at 9 AM Friday at the armory
* There will be 800mhz system setup and testing

* No applications received

Hamfest 2022
* Slated for August 13th
* Published with ARRL
To Do’s
* Testing?
* Vendors?
* Flyer updated?

Old Business
* Discussed committees and events

ARRL Grant Application
* The grant has been applied for.

New Business
* None

ACØRL did a presentation on his design and building of his HI-FI Mono block amplifiers.

* 6/21 KB0SQL
* 6/28 KA0NES
* 7/5 W0UY

$5 in the kitty, Emma won, donated back to club
Shirt drawing won by ACØRL

2008 Meeting adjourned

Minutes: May 10, 2022

Minutes: May 10, 2022

1900 Meeting called to order

• Minutes of April meeting read
• Treasurer’s report read.
• Committees
 ◦ Field Day, no new reports.
   ▪ Field Day is the last full weekend of June, 25-26.
   ▪ Setup will be Friday the 24th at 9 AM at the Armory.
   ▪ Teardown will be Sunday at 12 PM
   ▪ We will have the Mad Cow
 ◦ Scholarship, no applicants as yet.
• Guests
 ◦ Roger Lower, W5TOQ
• Old Business
 ◦ Mark is acting as our club historian, and he is wanting any old articles, photos, or stories about our club. Contact Mark at
• New Business
 ◦ ARRL is accepting applications for grants.
    ▪ The club discussed applying for a grant to build a tower trailer that would have a generator and could act as a portable U/VHF repeater.
     ▪ Mark and Jerry offered to gather data on such a tower.
 • Ideas presented
   ◦ US Tower manufactures such towers
   ◦ Used Construction Light tower
   ◦ Used TV remote van
 ▪ The tower could be used for the various emergencies that we encounter
   ◦ 5/17 KBØZIA
   ◦ 5/24 KAØNES
   ◦ 5/31 WØRHP
   ◦ 6/7 KIØKG
• 50/50 was won by Mark, but he had the club keep the proceeds of $13
• The shirt was won by WØRHP which he donated to our guest W5TOQ

19:39 Meeting Adjourned

Minutes: April 12, 2022

Minutes: April 12, 2022

1901 Meeting called to order at the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce conference room. Many thanks to our VP Mark Rankin for securing this location for our meetings

Charles visited the Topeka radio club and noted their great attendance but poor financial condition.

March minutes were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s report was read.

Old Business

Field Day

· Friday, June 24, 9 AM Setup

· Sunday, June 26, 12PM Teardown

· We will be using the Armory location.

· We will be needing folks to show up for the setup and teardown.

· Items:

o Water – Clint

o Coffee and doughnuts – John


· Saturday August 13th, 7AM-1PM

· Armory

· Items

o Coffee, doughnuts

o Water

o Door prizes

· Vendors

New Business

Motion made by Jake Fields, seconded by Clint, to reimburse Mark Rankin the $175 he advanced for the yearly CoC dues. This is a great deal. We were paying Amvets well over that to use their facility. RCKARA is now a Chamber of Commerce member, which gives us access to their facilities and many other chamber events.

NCS Duties

· 4/19 KBØZIA
· 4/26 KAØNES
· 5/3 KBØSQL

50/50 had $26 in the pot which was won by Melody; she donated her winnings to the club.

1933 Motion to adjourn by NØRHP and KAØNES.

Minutes: February 8, 2022

Minutes: February 8, 2022

Meeting called to order at 1900
· Minutes of Jan. 12 meeting read
· Treasurer’s report read, current balance is $4,839.19
· Repeater trustee reports no issues.
· Scholarship committee reports all six districts have been contacted and our website has the application available.
Old Business
· We are set to hold Field Day at the armory, and we have use of the mad cow.
No new business
· 2/15 KBØZIA
· 2/22 KAØNES
· 3/1 ACØMO
· We had a guest speaker, Tom Dhoose, KCØTWY, to promote and explain the new REACT group.
· 50/50 was won by KBØZIA, $5.50 to Jake and to the club; KIØKA won the shirt drawing.
Meeting adjourned at 1929

Minutes: January 11, 2022

Minutes: January 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 1900.
ACØRL thanked the membership for their participation in the 160M SSB contest where we placed 1st for the state of Kansas.
October 2021 minutes were read.
There was no treasurer’s report.
Old Business:
* WØWR Scholarship: Mark Rankin, KFØBZM, has agreed to present our scholarship to the area schools.
New Business:
* ARRL sent out a Field Day survey. Please complete it if you received one online.
* Our next Hamfest will be August 13th at the Armory. We’ll look into the Square credit card reader to accept debit and credit cards.
* AD6P’s, Cleon’s, ham radio gear is going to be sold, with priority to club members. Gary, NØFHF, is going through Cleon’s treasures and will provide a list.
* Motion and vote to allow Jake Fields, KBØZIA, to forego dues in consideration for the shirts he provides throughout the year.
* The 50-50 raffle was won by Joe, ACØMO, who donated his winnings to the club, total $9.
* The shirt raffle was won by Mark Rankin.
* Dues are due. You can make a payment via PayPal, $26, to or you can mail in your dues to PO Box 1304, Hutchinson, 67504-1304.
Meeting adjourned.