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Minutes: April 11, 2023

Minutes: April 11, 2023

1901 Meeting called to order


March minutes read
Treasurer’s report read
Repeater trustee’s report

Old Business

Field Day
A motion was made to hold it at the Armory. We will run two radios: phone and digital/cw. We need to look into bandpass filters and duplexers.

This will also be at the Armory. We will need two rooms.

KS QSO Party
This will be a W0WR event at ACØRL’s QTH. We will operate phone, CW, and FT8.

New Business

4-18: WØUY
4-25: KAØNES

Show and Tell
Clint, KEØJVX, brought a Morserino-32. See photo below.

ACØRL won and put the $10 into the club’s treasury.

WØUY is scaling back his equipment needs and has provided a list of items. See photo below. These things have already been sold: solder, radial ground plate, and QRP rigs.

20:00 Meeting adjourned

Clint’s Morserino-32 Morse Code device, combining keyer, trainer, decoder, and transceiver.
A list of things WØUY has for sale. Note in the minutes what has already been sold.
Minutes: January 11, 2022

Minutes: January 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 1900.
ACØRL thanked the membership for their participation in the 160M SSB contest where we placed 1st for the state of Kansas.
October 2021 minutes were read.
There was no treasurer’s report.
Old Business:
* WØWR Scholarship: Mark Rankin, KFØBZM, has agreed to present our scholarship to the area schools.
New Business:
* ARRL sent out a Field Day survey. Please complete it if you received one online.
* Our next Hamfest will be August 13th at the Armory. We’ll look into the Square credit card reader to accept debit and credit cards.
* AD6P’s, Cleon’s, ham radio gear is going to be sold, with priority to club members. Gary, NØFHF, is going through Cleon’s treasures and will provide a list.
* Motion and vote to allow Jake Fields, KBØZIA, to forego dues in consideration for the shirts he provides throughout the year.
* The 50-50 raffle was won by Joe, ACØMO, who donated his winnings to the club, total $9.
* The shirt raffle was won by Mark Rankin.
* Dues are due. You can make a payment via PayPal, $26, to or you can mail in your dues to PO Box 1304, Hutchinson, 67504-1304.
Meeting adjourned.