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Minutes: January 11, 2022

Minutes: January 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 1900.
ACØRL thanked the membership for their participation in the 160M SSB contest where we placed 1st for the state of Kansas.
October 2021 minutes were read.
There was no treasurer’s report.
Old Business:
* WØWR Scholarship: Mark Rankin, KFØBZM, has agreed to present our scholarship to the area schools.
New Business:
* ARRL sent out a Field Day survey. Please complete it if you received one online.
* Our next Hamfest will be August 13th at the Armory. We’ll look into the Square credit card reader to accept debit and credit cards.
* AD6P’s, Cleon’s, ham radio gear is going to be sold, with priority to club members. Gary, NØFHF, is going through Cleon’s treasures and will provide a list.
* Motion and vote to allow Jake Fields, KBØZIA, to forego dues in consideration for the shirts he provides throughout the year.
* The 50-50 raffle was won by Joe, ACØMO, who donated his winnings to the club, total $9.
* The shirt raffle was won by Mark Rankin.
* Dues are due. You can make a payment via PayPal, $26, to or you can mail in your dues to PO Box 1304, Hutchinson, 67504-1304.
Meeting adjourned.

Minutes: February 11, 2020

Minutes: February 11, 2020

RCKARA members, guests, and wannabees,

I want to thank all of those that turned out at our last meeting. It was great to see so many show up and support our club. If you haven’t been to a club meeting in while, we welcome you to visit. We have many exciting projects and we have a lot of fun!

Meeting was called to order at 1900 local.

· I, ACØRL, will be hosting the CQ World Wide 160m SSB contest at my QTH, 1824 Nickerson Blvd. I am east of the bridge closing. My 160m station is running great and we should have some great fun making contacts all over the world. This contest runs from 2200Z/4pm local Friday the 21st until 2200Z Sunday the 23rd. We can operate overnight for best results. New and old hams should show up to get a taste of some high energy “Top Band” action.

· A new face/ham showed up at our meeting, Dick Oswald, KEØWZW. He will need some Elmering so let’s show him what a helpful and knowledgeable bunch we are.

· Dave Powers attended our meeting. He is moving back to Hutchinson from Missouri. He brought a vintage Henry 2020 radio set, with the second VFO, matching speaker, service and operating manual, and an all-band fan dipole. Joe, ACØMO, purchased the set. We look forward to Joe cleaning it up and getting it on the air. Bet it will sound great!

· We had a guest appearance from Gary, NØFHF, so the rumors of his disappearance from the face of the Earth were premature. Aliens don’t even want him…

· The Christmas party for this year will be held at the Mennonite Manor on our regular meeting night December 8. Club will provide the main meal and members and guests can provide the side dishes.

· QCWA meeting will be the last Tuesday of February, if you wish to attend this meeting we will be departing from Larry Cannon’s house, 17th and Jefferson, at 5PM to carpool to Wichita.

· Storm Fury on the Plains storm spotter training will be March 9th at the Fire Training Command Center, East 4th Avenue across from the Dillon’s distribution center.

· Roger Darrow from the Boy Scouts of America gave a presentation on their Merit Badge College and solicited help from our club to put on the communications merit badge training, March 7th at HCC. Contact Charles, KBØSQL,, 620-727-2862, if you can help out on that day.

· Gina, KEØBWJ, won the evening’s 50/50 and generously gave her half to the club, $14 to the charity fund!

· Gary, NØFHF, won the second drawing for a t-shirt with his call emblazoned conspicuously on it. The t-shirts are provided by Jake Fields.

· NCS’s for Tuesday Repeater net, 2000 local Tuesdays:

* ACØMO, Joe

* KCØZBO, Nancy

* KBØSQL, Charles

Meeting was adjourned at 2000 local.

Secretary/Treasurer Jerry Kahn, ACØRL