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Tag: Christmas party

Minutes: September 10, 2024

Minutes: September 10, 2024

1900 Meeting called to order by Vice President Mark Rankin. We did not have a quorum, which requires 11 members present.
* KS QSO Party, no word on our standing yet.
Minutes read and approved. Motion John/Larry, passed
Treasurer’s report read and approved. Motion Todd/Roger, passed
Repeater trustee – all ok
Committee Reports
* Hamfest committee:
We approved 8/9/2025 for the next hamfest. We discussed selling prize or raffle tickets, having guest speakers, and the possibility of hosting the State Convention. HCC approved our use or the Fire Training Facility for next year.
Old business
New Business
* Christmas Party:
Carriage Crossing will cater meats only: turkey, roast beef, and chicken. Maybe 40 servings?
* 9/17: NØUNI
* 9/24: KAØNES
* 10/1: KBØSQL was volunteered in absentia. I think it’s near Topeka…
Motion to adjourn: Todd/John, passed.
1926 Meeting adjourned

Meeting: June 11, 2024

Meeting: June 11, 2024

1900 Called to order by President, KBØSQL.

* VFW Sidewalk Sale, 4801 W. Douglas, Wichita, Saturday, June 15, setup at 6 a.m., ends 12?
* Field Day Site survey and meeting, Fairgrounds, 3:30 p.m. Monday, June 17. Details: Parking of Mad Cow on grass? Driving stakes? 811 and sprinkler locations. Electrical. Overnight camping.
* Very good turnout, so introductions were made.
* May 13th and April 9th minutes were read.
* Treasurer’s report read, Jake/Ron motion to accept, passed.
* Repeater trustee reports nominal operation of all club repeaters.
Hamfest Committee
Zack will present a table layout.
Old Business
Field Day checklist and discussion, see below.
New Business
* Christmas Party, December 10, Rice Park Community Building. Carriage Crossing will provide meats, a veggie, and potato dish. Membership is encouraged to bring pot-luck, desserts, veggies, etc.
* Jun 18: KBØSQL
* Jun 25: KAØNES
* July 2: WØRHP

50/50 KFØBZM won and donated to club, $15.

2011 Meeting adjourned.

Additional Field Day Notes

Will need a volunteer to copy the ARRL Bulletin the prior evening using PSK/RTTY.

Will need youth operators at our GOTA, Dan’s class?

Todd or Adam should visit to fulfill agency requirement.

Mad Cow will require full tank.

Field Day Band Plan

Sat 1PM-8PM 20m 15M 10-6M
Sat 8PM – Midnite 40M 20M All others
Sun Midnite – 8AM 80M 40M All others
Sun 8AM – end 20M 15M 10-6M

Asset Worksheet

Existing Assets Qty Provider
Bandpass filters and jumpers 2 RCKARA
Multiband Antennas 3 RCKARA
RG8X 100+ foot rolls 3 RCKARA
Rope, various lengths   AC0RL
Banners 2 RCKARA
Power Strip 1 RCKARA
Needed Assets QTY Provider
Double Female barrel fittings 3  
Tuners and coax jumpers 2 KF0BZM/AC0RL
Tent cover ? ?
Long 12/3 Extension cords 2 KF0BZM/AC0RL
Power Strips ? KF0BZM/?
Media Relations   Gina
Political   Steve Garza
Duct/electrical tape ? AC0RL/?
Caution tape ? KB0SQL/?
Bug Zappers 2 AC0RL/?
Bug Spray ? Everyone
SSB Radio 1 EOC
CW/FT8 Radio 1 AC0RL/?
Plastic folding tables ? AC0RL/KF0BZM/?
Folding Chairs 8 AC0RL?
Lawn Chairs ? everyone
Water proof Tarps with tiedowns or weights ? Dean/?
Water   RCKARA
Snacks   Everyone
Ice Chests 3 Kb0SQL/?
Saturday Night Pizza   AC0RL
GOTA Station   Ron
Tools, hammers, etc   Everyone
LED Lights   KF0BZM/?
Fans ? KB0ZIA/?
Food tent 1 ?
Minutes: November 14, 2023

Minutes: November 14, 2023

1700 Meeting called to order

Introductions of guests
Kyle, Kyler, and Keith Seck were present. Kyler is expressing interest in amateur radio.

Last month’s minutes read: motion by Phil and Bob, passed.
Treasurer’s report: motion by Zack and Joe, passed.
Repeater trustee reports all nominal.

Old Business
* Bob and Zack moved we form a hamfest committee for our August 10, 2024, hamfest. Motion carried. Bob and Zack are initial members of the committee.
* Christmas Party
The party will be at 6:30 p.m. December 12, at 44 Swarens, Rice Park. Members bring a pot-luck side dish or dessert. Carriage Crossing will provide meat and potatoes.

New business
* Current slate of officers for 2024 remain unchanged, again:
President: Charles
VP: Mark
Secy/Treas: Jerome
* Tuesday morning coffee venue change
We will be meeting at the Daybreak Café, 209 N. Walnut St., in the Amtrak train station. It opens at 6:30 a.m. We typically meet around 8 a.m. Of course, there are those of us that meet a little earlier, like 7ish. We typically leave around 9 a.m.

NCS Stations
* 11/21 WØZC
* 11/28 KAØNES
* 12/5 ACØMO

Kyler brought some boat anchors that he purchased for show and tell.

19:58 Meeting adjourned.

Minutes: October 10, 2023

Minutes: October 10, 2023

1902 Meeting called to order

* December 16th Derby Radio Shack closing.
* Bob Stone will need assistance with his antenna install.
* September minutes read and accepted. Zack/Phil, passed.
* Treasurer’s report read, Clint/Larry, passed.
* Repeater trustee reports all nominal.
Old Business
* DX Engineering filters
New bandpass filters will not available. Refurbished filters are available for $400 each, Jerry ordered two, and we will be receiving a $638.70 refund. Should arrive October 12. Will announce a test of the filters.
* Christmas party
Last year we spent $322.50 for meat and potatoes. This year we will be ordering pulled pork, turkey, and a double helping of potatoes. Motion to spend $400 for food, Clint/Phil, passed. The party is December 14 in the Rice Park Shelter. There will no plate charge, just bring plenty of side items for pot luck.
* Because of the arrival of the bandpass filters, we purchased a DXCC-LB fan dipole antenna and 100 feet of RG8X from the Derby Radio Shack for $275.
* Armory
Topeka wants to charge us for future use of the facility. Some reimbursement for the cost of utilities? The local staff is not happy about this because they see our organization as a benefit to their mission. The Army accidentally doubled the $6 billion payment to Ukraine, accounting error?
* ARRL membership
The club promotes the membership to ARRL. ARRL no longer makes it easy for clubs to benefit when members renew or sign up via the club. ARRL, like the rest of us, is pinched financially.
* DMR repeater
No word.
* Scholarship
Mark will be canvasing the Reno County Schools. This is a $500 scholarship, but last year we had no takers.
New Business
* ACØRL will be doing a big cleanup of his shed and work area. Volunteers will be appreciated
* The Hutchinson Public Library will be hosting an Urban Legends event on the 26th. You must preregister to attend.
10/17 KBØSQL
10/24 KAØNES
10/31 ACØRL
11/07 WØRHP
* 50/50
KFØBZM won, and donated the $6 pot to the club

1958 Meeting adjourned, Phil/Charles.

Minutes: September 12, 2023

Minutes: September 12, 2023

19:02 Meeting called to order

* KAØNES’s brother passed away in Wisconsin.
* EOC wants to do a test of our capabilities to communicate during a trunking system failure. They are requesting 14+ local hams using HTs or mobiles position themselves throughout the county at predetermined locations, fire stations most likely. We are giving everyone a heads-up because we will need to have the folks available. We’ll let everyone know when the test is scheduled.

August Minutes read and accepted, Phil/Clint
Treasures report read and accepted, Joe/Larry
Repeater trustee reports all WØWR repeaters nominal.

Old Business
* KS QSO Party WØL
Thanks to all of the participants who made it a huge success. We really put WØWR on the state map as an active club that can get things done!
* Band-pass Filters
New shipping date of Feb 7, 2024, just in time for Field Day
* Club funds
We discussed taking a portion of the club funds and putting them into a high yield CD. We will choose a term and yield to maximize return. Motion to spend $5,000 for the CD by Larry/Roger was passed.
* Hamfest review
We spent a total of $363.08 between food and door prizes. We deposited $105 for refreshments and $327 for raffle and donations for a total of $432. We profited $7.97 from refreshments. We profited $60.95 from raffle and donations. The total gain was $68.92, which is not an outstanding financial gain, but we are gaining a reputation for holding a great hamfest.
Some of the takeaways:

  • We had a lot of food leftover.
  • Food did not generate revenues, either lower costs or charge more next year.
  • Need more door prizes, require vendors to provide a door prize, donations from other sources.
  • Stick to a schedule of what will be raffled and when.

The next hamfest will be August 10, 2024.

New business
* Motion to purchase a second antenna and required feed line by Clint/Joe, passed. It will be an Alpha Delta DXCC type, 120 feet RG8X. We will purchase is from the Derby Radio Shack, and we set a $350 budget.
* Armory cookies
To remain in their good graces, we should continue to give them cookies on occasion. No oatmeal raisin.
* Christmas Party
This will be at 6:30 p.m., December 12, at Rice Park. We will use Carriage Crossing to provide cooked meats. We will be charging a per-plate fee which will be determined by per-plate costs from Carriage Crossing. If a member brings a side dish or dessert, they will pay half price; if a member does not bring a side dish, they will pay the entire fee.
* DMR repeater
This repeater was struck by lightning a while back, and it needs some parts replaced. We have a good number of users on that repeater as it supports DMR, Fusion, and AP25. Motion to spend $150 to reimburse expenses on the DMR repeater repair by Mark/Clint. Passed
* ARRL membership renewal via the club
Have to ask Ron Cowan

9-19 ACØMO

20:23 Meeting Adjourned

Christmas Party 2022

Christmas Party 2022

Our next regular club meeting, Tuesday, December 13, will be our Christmas party. The festivities will begin at 6 p.m. at Rice Park Pavilion.

The club will provide various meats from Carriage Crossing, Yoder. Everyone attending should bring plates, tableware, and food to share (e.g.: scalloped potatoes, a vegetable dish, a dessert).

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Minutes: November 8, 2022

Minutes: November 8, 2022

1900 Meeting called to order at the Chamber of Commerce

Introductions of members and guests
* Reminder of the Christmas Party at 6 p.m. December 13th at Rice Park Pavilion
* Reading of October minutes
* Enid Hamfest was a total flop. Poor attendance all around. High entry fees were probably the reason.
* Treasurer’s report, current balance $6,976.64, and about $3,000 more coming.
* Repeater report, all nominal
Old Business
Report from those that manned the booth at the Reno County Ignite show. Much interest was shown by attendees
New Business
Brief discussion on how to best park the excess money we have accumulated:
* CD’s
* Savings Bonds type I
* Other investments?
Treasurer is soliciting ideas from the membership. A decision will be made by the membership early next year.

There is a building and large tower on 82nd and Hendricks that looks like a great club house. It is currently unused. If anyone has information regarding this facility, please let us know.
The existing slate of officers were retained again:
* Pres: Charles Tucker
* VP: Mark Rankin
* Sc/Tr: Jerome Kahn
Nov. 15: NØUNI
Nov. 22: KAØNES
Nov. 29: ACØMO
Dec. 6: WØRHP

50/50 winner was our VP; he donated back to the club $8 total.

1959 Meeting adjourned on a motion KAØNES.

MINUTES: October 11, 2022

MINUTES: October 11, 2022

1900 Meeting called to order at the Chamber of Commerce

  • Announcements
  • August minutes read
  • Secretary-treasurer reports we have a current bank balance of $6976.64
    • WØZC suggested we put some of that in a CD
  • Repeater trustee reports all machines nominal
  • Old Business
    • Christmas Party
      • Dec 13 6PM
      • Building at Rice Park
      • Meat provided by Carriage Crossing
      • Club members provide pot luck, whatever you make best
      • We will have a slideshow of past club events and Christmas music
  • New Business
    • Chamber of Commerce IGNITE program
      • Oct 28th at the Stringer Fine Arts Building
      • We have been given four seats and a display table
      • We have two seats open for whoever replies first
      • 9:30AM – 2PM
    • 2023 Hamfest
      • August 12th at the Armory
    • Field Day
      • We are canvassing our members for ideas on a new venue
        • Safe, good area
        • Public
        • Shelter
        • Overnight
        • Trees
        • Mad Cow accessible
    • ARRL has a program for new members and renewals where the club gets a portion of the fees. It costs nothing extra to the member.
      • Please contact us if you are up for renewal or wish to become a member.
  • NCS
    • Oct 18   WØRHP
    • Oct 25   KAØNES
    • Nov 1     ACØRL
  • Program
    • Mark ranking put on a educational presentation on the VOACAP
      • It is now browser based
      • VOACAP Online for Ham Radio
      • It is a great tool for your dx’ing
      • [WEBMASTER’S NOTE: A link to VOACAP for HF has been added to the sidebar for your convenience.]
  • November elections
    • If you desire to be a club officer please let us know prior to the November meeting when we will be holding our vote for the 2023 slate.

2013       Meeting adjourned

Minutes: August 9, 2022

Minutes: August 9, 2022

Meeting of the RCKARA at the Chamber of Commerce conference room

1900       Called to order by Charles Tucker

  • Welcome to new faces
    • Jeff Roberson KCØRWI
    • Roger Lower W5TOQ
  • Minutes from July read
  • Treasurer’s report read
  • Repeater trustee reports strong ducting due to strong temperature inversions aloft over the last several weeks.
  • Old Business
    • 2022 Hamfest
      • We need folks to help sort NØFHF items for sale at ACØRL QTH Friday morning 8AM
        • 1824 Nickerson Blvd
      • We will begin setting up Friday 5PM at the Armory
        • We will need to setup tables and chairs
        • Set up the PA
        • Assist vendors setting up
        • Setup club items
      • Saturday 6:30AM
        • Open doors
        • Setup coffee and doughnuts
        • Assist vendors
        • Collect donations and give out entry tickets
        • Sell prize tickets for $5
        • Occupy the RCKARA table
      • 9AM
        • VE testing begins
        • Open classroom
        • Have one of our team present during testing to ensure nothing is taken out of the room
      • 10AM
        • Begin announcements for prize ticket drawings every 30 minutes
    • Gary NØFHF
      • Gary is terminally ill
      • NØFHF requested that we clear out his ham radio stuff to sell for the benefit of RCKARA at the hamfest
      • Last Saturday; Charles, Mark, and Jerry began removing ham radio gear from NØFHF’s QTH
      • Last Sunday; Charles, Mark, Todd, Jake, and Jerry removed most of the remaining gear
      • This Friday we need help sorting at the ACØRL QTH
  • New Business
    • Christmas Party December 13th 6PM
      • Location TBA
        • Suggestions solicited
    • State Fair Week
      • We need folks to camp out on the 147.120, 146.670 repeaters to assist visiting hams
      • Let’s show our visitors that we are a friendly and helpful community
  • NCS
    • Aug 16   WØUY
    • Aug 23 KAØNES
    • Aug 30 ACØRL
    • Sep 06 KBØSQL
  • Presentation
    • ACØRL showed a power point on the building of the 80’ North Tower
  • Mark won the 50/50 but donated to the club treasury

2023 Meeting adjourned

Minutes: September 14, 2021

Minutes: September 14, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 1901 by President Charles Tucker.

Minutes for August 10th meeting were read.

Treasurers report follows:


Repeater trustee reports that the 146.670 machine is down again. Probably unplugged.

Old Business:

  • Hamfest was successful and fun for all. We made $317.29

  • KS QSO party was excellent

As you can see it looks like we took second, but K5KG was an out-of-state participant, so we are currently in first place. You can track this on

New Business:

  • The club is considering a family day/party on November 9th at the ACØRL QTH. Fire pit, weenie roast, smores, hamburgers, pot luck sides.
  • It was brought up that the club should provide a scholarship to a worthy STEM senior in the Reno County area. We will need to set up a selection committee.
  • 2022 Field Day will be the weekend of June 24-26.
  • We will hold our Christmas Party at the AMvets December 14th  at 7 p.m. Club will provide Hog Wild catering.
  • We are scheduling our 2022 Hamfest for August 13th.


  • Sept 27  WØRHP
  • Sept 28  KAØNES
  • Oct 5      KBØSQL

WØRHP presented a demonstration to the club of the Ed Fong Dual Band J-Pole.

Bill Graves has left us for parts south of the border. We look forward to his return next year.

Meeting adjourned at 1949. Peace and harmony prevailed, mostly…