MINUTES: October 11, 2022

MINUTES: October 11, 2022

1900 Meeting called to order at the Chamber of Commerce

  • Announcements
  • August minutes read
  • Secretary-treasurer reports we have a current bank balance of $6976.64
    • WØZC suggested we put some of that in a CD
  • Repeater trustee reports all machines nominal
  • Old Business
    • Christmas Party
      • Dec 13 6PM
      • Building at Rice Park
      • Meat provided by Carriage Crossing
      • Club members provide pot luck, whatever you make best
      • We will have a slideshow of past club events and Christmas music
  • New Business
    • Chamber of Commerce IGNITE program
      • Oct 28th at the Stringer Fine Arts Building
      • We have been given four seats and a display table
      • We have two seats open for whoever replies first
      • 9:30AM – 2PM
    • 2023 Hamfest
      • August 12th at the Armory
    • Field Day
      • We are canvassing our members for ideas on a new venue
        • Safe, good area
        • Public
        • Shelter
        • Overnight
        • Trees
        • Mad Cow accessible
    • ARRL has a program for new members and renewals where the club gets a portion of the fees. It costs nothing extra to the member.
      • Please contact us if you are up for renewal or wish to become a member.
  • NCS
    • Oct 18   WØRHP
    • Oct 25   KAØNES
    • Nov 1     ACØRL
  • Program
    • Mark ranking put on a educational presentation on the VOACAP
      • It is now browser based
      • VOACAP Online for Ham Radio
      • It is a great tool for your dx’ing
      • [WEBMASTER’S NOTE: A link to VOACAP for HF has been added to the sidebar for your convenience.]
  • November elections
    • If you desire to be a club officer please let us know prior to the November meeting when we will be holding our vote for the 2023 slate.

2013       Meeting adjourned

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