Minutes: July 12, 2022

Minutes: July 12, 2022

1901 Meeting called to order at the AMVETS building

  • Announcements
    • August meeting will be at the Chamber of Commerce.
    • Gary Essells has not been well.
  • Old business
    • Hamfest 2022
      • The Armory has been secured for the location.
      • We may not have VE testing.
      • Club will sell water, coffee, and doughnuts.
        • Motion by Jake and Clint to allow up to $100 for food, passed.
      • We will have a couple of vendors.
      • Club will not buy a door prize; door prizes will be supplied by vendors.
      • Setup will begin Friday August 12th at 5PM.
      • Hamfest will start at 7AM Saturday the 13th.
    • Field Day
      • Discussion on next year running two stations.
        • Two stations will require bandpass filtering.
          • Mark is going to experiment on building some filters.
          • Club does have funds to buy two DX Engineering filters.
      • New public location
        • Site that is visible
        • Can support more than one antenna
    • Grant
      • Grant has been written and sent off for mobile repeater and HF.
  • New Business
    • The Hutchinson DMR repeater is back online.
  • NCS
    • July 19, NØUNI
    • July 26, KAØNES
    • Aug 2, KBØSQL
  • Presentation by Todd, NØUNI
    • He brought and operated a 1938 National NC100XA. See photo below.
  • 50/50
    • Jake won, donated winnings to club, $12.
    • Bill Graves, N7TDK, won a dog helmet for Radar, K9DOG.

2000 Meeting adjourned

Todd Wilson, NØUNI, demonstrates his 1938 National NC100XA.
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