Minutes: May 10, 2022

Minutes: May 10, 2022

1900 Meeting called to order

• Minutes of April meeting read
• Treasurer’s report read.
• Committees
 ◦ Field Day, no new reports.
   ▪ Field Day is the last full weekend of June, 25-26.
   ▪ Setup will be Friday the 24th at 9 AM at the Armory.
   ▪ Teardown will be Sunday at 12 PM
   ▪ We will have the Mad Cow
 ◦ Scholarship, no applicants as yet.
• Guests
 ◦ Roger Lower, W5TOQ
• Old Business
 ◦ Mark is acting as our club historian, and he is wanting any old articles, photos, or stories about our club. Contact Mark at kf0bzm@gmail.com.
• New Business
 ◦ ARRL is accepting applications for grants.
    ▪ The club discussed applying for a grant to build a tower trailer that would have a generator and could act as a portable U/VHF repeater.
     ▪ Mark and Jerry offered to gather data on such a tower.
 • Ideas presented
   ◦ US Tower manufactures such towers
   ◦ Used Construction Light tower
   ◦ Used TV remote van
 ▪ The tower could be used for the various emergencies that we encounter
   ◦ 5/17 KBØZIA
   ◦ 5/24 KAØNES
   ◦ 5/31 WØRHP
   ◦ 6/7 KIØKG
• 50/50 was won by Mark, but he had the club keep the proceeds of $13
• The shirt was won by WØRHP which he donated to our guest W5TOQ

19:39 Meeting Adjourned

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