Minutes: April 12, 2022

Minutes: April 12, 2022

1901 Meeting called to order at the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce conference room. Many thanks to our VP Mark Rankin for securing this location for our meetings

Charles visited the Topeka radio club and noted their great attendance but poor financial condition.

March minutes were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s report was read.

Old Business

Field Day

· Friday, June 24, 9 AM Setup

· Sunday, June 26, 12PM Teardown

· We will be using the Armory location.

· We will be needing folks to show up for the setup and teardown.

· Items:

o Water – Clint

o Coffee and doughnuts – John


· Saturday August 13th, 7AM-1PM

· Armory

· Items

o Coffee, doughnuts

o Water

o Door prizes

· Vendors

New Business

Motion made by Jake Fields, seconded by Clint, to reimburse Mark Rankin the $175 he advanced for the yearly CoC dues. This is a great deal. We were paying Amvets well over that to use their facility. RCKARA is now a Chamber of Commerce member, which gives us access to their facilities and many other chamber events.

NCS Duties

· 4/19 KBØZIA
· 4/26 KAØNES
· 5/3 KBØSQL

50/50 had $26 in the pot which was won by Melody; she donated her winnings to the club.

1933 Motion to adjourn by NØRHP and KAØNES.

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