Minutes: April 13, 2021

Minutes: April 13, 2021

April 13th meeting was called to order at 1905 Local.

March meeting minutes were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.

Repeater Trustee report: The 146.670 repeater is back on the air. Its original power supply requires repair.

Old Business:

Field Day will be held at the Armory.

Hamfest date has been set for August 14th, Armory is our first choice for venue, else AMVETS.

147.120 Repeater will be changed to require a 103.5hz PL Tone to mitigate ducting/intermod issues. It is highly recommended that you add the 103.5 Hz CTCSS tone to your radios now, just needed on transmit.

New Business:

Bill Worthington will begin organizing Radio in the Park events.


Apr 20 – WØRHP

Apr 27 – KAØNES

May 4 – KDØYLA

50-50 Drawings:

President Charles, KBØSQL, won the money drawing but donated the winnings to the club, $15

Clint won the shirt drawing.

Gina did not bring milk and cookies.


Respectfully submitted:

Jerome (Jerry) Kahn, ACØRL
RCKARA Sec’y/tres.

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