Minutes: February 9, 2021

Minutes: February 9, 2021

Meeting called to order at the AMVETS Feb. 9, 1905 local


3120 DMR talk group again on Bandmeister, good news for hotspot owners.

Minutes were read and accepted

Treasurer’s report was read and accepted

Repeater Trustee report:

Some intermod/hetrodynes/ducting has been causing the 147.120 repeater to kerchunk occasionally.

I listened to the input and heard various signals. The repeater is not malfunctioning.

There is a solution, which would probably be very unpopular, require a 103.5hz PL tone to access the repeater. This is why many repeaters require a tone. Personally I would rather not take this step. If you are willing to live with the occasional kerchunking then I will leave it as-is. What say you?

Old Business


No date has been set and we are awaiting word back from the armory if we can use the facility.

Derby Radio Shack has declined to attend any hamfests this year

We need to contact D&L to see if they are interested in attending.

Field Day

If we cannot use the armory we can use the AMVETS facility. We have many options, indoors, outdoors, and a large open field for antennas.

New Business

The membership present voted to exempt Jake Fields from dues because of his generous shirt giveaways to club members.


Feb 16 WØRHP




WØRHP won but returned the winnings to the club. $10

Gina won the shirt drawing.

1931: Meeting adjourned with much fanfare

Next meeting March 9th

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