Minutes: January 12, 2021

Minutes: January 12, 2021

January’s meeting was called to order at the AMVETS at 1900 local

Last November’s minutes were read

Treasurers report was read, attached

No old business.

New Business:

* KØRCJ, Richard Johnson has requested that the club deal with his radio gear when he passes.

* Field Day is still a go at the Armory

* Hamfest date to be determined after discussions with Derby RS and D&L, location at Armory


* Jan 19 – ACØMO

* Jan 26 – KAØNES

* Feb 2 – KBØSQL

Meeting closed at 1920

Don’t forget about our Club nets at 2000 on the 147.120 on Tuesdays and or “CB” net at 2000 on the 147.120, log in with your call and handle.

Also club dues are due, $25 individual, $30 Family.

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