Minutes: November 11, 2020

Minutes: November 11, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 1900


Butler County ARES meets at 2100 Thursdays on the KanOkla repeater system.

It was determined that a quorum was present. Minutes were read and accepted.

No treasurer’s report, no financial activity.

Repeater Trustee, no issues reported

Old Business

We have decided upon Hog Wild to provide the food. We will order enough for 16. Motion made and carried to authorize $200 for the party expenses.

The Christmas party will commence at 7 PM December 8th.

If you have not responded to the invitations sent out over the last couple of months, there may not be enough food to cover unanticipated arrivals.

New Business:

Club dues for 2021 will remain the same as in 2020.

Slate of officers up for election to serve 2021:

• Pres: Charles Tucker
• VP: John O’Connor
• Secy/Treas: Jerry Kahn

The above slate was voted on and passed in its entirety.


11/17 Phil Muth
11/24 John O’Connor
12/1 Charles Tucker


Nate presented a power point on hail. Those that were in attendance now have the equivalent of a master’s degree in hailology. 🙂 It was a very interesting and informative presentation. Thank you, Professor Nate.

Meeting adjourned at 2000.

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