Net Control Script
Script for Tuesday Night Nets
This is [Your Callsign] activating the Reno County Amateur Radio Association net. This net meets at 20:00 hours local time each Tuesday except the second Tuesday of the month, when we have our monthly club meeting.
This will be a directed net, and the net control for this session is [Your Callsign and Name].
Is there any emergency or priority traffic to list, or are there any announcements for the net? If so, please call now. [List and route any such traffic before continuing the net].
[Your Callsign] Now taking check-ins. All stations A-Alpha through G-Golf, please check in now.
[Allow adequate time for all stations to check in and then acknowledge them by repeating their station call].
[Your Callsign] Now continuing with check-ins. All stations H-Hotel through O-Oscar, please check in now.
[Allow adequate time for all stations to check in and then acknowledge them by repeating their station call].
[Your Callsign] Now continuing with check-ins. All stations P-Papa through Z-Zulu, please check in now.
[Allow adequate time for all stations to check in and then acknowledge them by repeating their station call].
[Your Callsign] Are there any other stations A-Alpha through Z-Zulu? Please check in now. [Allow adequate time for all stations to check in and then acknowledge them by repeating their station call].
[Your Callsign] We will begin with comments. Are there any stations who cannot wait their turn? Please call now. [Take any stations calling in first]
[Call the first station and ask for any comments, then to the next station, etc. Be sure to identify yourself periodically and ask for any late check-ins.]
[Your Callsign] Does any station have any further comments or traffic for the net? Please call now. [Acknowledge and handle any traffic].
There being no further comments or traffic, the Reno County Amateur Radio Association net has been concluded for this session and the [147.712 / 146.67] repeater is now turned back to normal amateur use.
[Your Callsign] Signing the net clear.
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