Minutes: January 14, 2025

Minutes: January 14, 2025

1900 Meeting called to order by President Charles Tucker.

We had an exceptional turnout and we did introductions. There was a new face: Mike Davidson, KBØUWN. We also had some Irish royalty present, Sir Sherradan.


* EOC is hosting a CPR and First Aid course, free to CERT members, $25/class to non-CERT members, and $45 for both. Register with KBØSQL. The classes will be held Feb. 11 and 13. The 11th conflicts with our February meeting, so depending upon conference room availability, we will announce when the February meeting will be held.

* The Great Plains Super Launch will be June 12-14th, hosted by Zack Clobes, WØZC. Check out the Super Launch website for more details. You don’t want to miss this!


* November minutes were read and approved, motion John/Larry, passed.

* Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. There was a question on the $100 expense for last year’s hamfest; after research it was found to be money to make change for the entrance fee, to seed the till. Report was accepted, motion Larry/Jeff, passed.

Repeater Trustee

* The .67 machine is dying a slow painful death with low output and low modulation. The .12 machine is nominal. See the discussion below under New Business.

Hamfest Committee

Hamfest is scheduled for Aug. 9 at the HCC Fire Science facility. Laurel VEC will hold exams; they request advance registration. Ron Cowens has been contacted regarding ARRL participation. Break-out sessions are requested, so anyone who wishes to do a session should contact Zack, WØZC,

Old business

* Treasurer needs to get e-statements going at RCB.

New Business

* Reno County EOC has offered $5,000 to the club to replace the .67 repeater. That could buy us a DMR repeater. Internet access is unavailable and unaffordable for the club. It may be possible to set up a full duplex link via 70cm or 1.2m using TNCs for a Internet backbone to the site. We need to research if a 9600 baud link is sufficient for the DMR Internet link. Other repeater options are all on the table. Whatever we decide upon, it will need to be tolerant of the awful conditions at the site.


* Jan 21: NØFXG

* Jan 28: KAØNES

* Feb 4: KFØBZM


Our local knight in rusty armor, NØFXG, won again, I think this is becoming a truly crooked raffle. He took home $10, $11 to the club!

2000 Meeting adjourned, motion Scott/Phil, passed.

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