Meeting: May 14, 2024

Meeting: May 14, 2024

19:01 hrs Call to order by President Tucker

Announcements: President Tucker announced that the sidewalk sale will be held this year on June 15th. The location will be Post 3115 VFW, 4801 W. Douglass in Wichita.

There was no reading of the minutes, treasurer’s report or repeater trustee report this month due to the secretary-treasurer attending to family business. No repeater problems were reported.

Report of Hamfest committee: Things continue to progress. The location will be the Fire Science building, 3211 E. 4th Ave in Hutchinson. Prices will be $10 per table and $5 a person entry fee. Zack has not yet had the opportunity to inspect the facility.

Old Business: President Tucker stated he has fielded several inquires about our hamfest this year. He also stated the proof of insurance costs have been determined for both hamfest and Field Day. The prices are $195 for hamfest and $100 for Field Day. Mark from Derby will attend the hamfest and has requested 5 tables.

New Business: During the June 11 meeting we will discuss what we are going to be doing on Field Day. The location will be Gottschalk Park which is right inside the entrance at the intersection of 20th Ave. and Poplar St. Gottschalk Park will be available from noon on Friday June 22 through noon Sunday June 24.

Net Control:

May 21 – ACØMO
May 28 – KAØNES
June 4 – WØZC

No 50/50

The meeting was adjourned at 19:39 hours.

Comments are closed.