Meeting: April 9, 2024

Meeting: April 9, 2024

1900 Meeting called to order

We had a very good turnout with some new faces and some faces we haven’t seen in a while, so we had everyone introduce themselves.
There was no official meeting last month so reading minutes was dispensed with.
Treasurer’s report was read, Phil/Nate motion – Passed
Repeater trustee reports all repeaters nominal.
Committee reports
Hamfest committee
The HCC Fire Science Building, 3211 E. 4th St., is available for free, except for insurance which will cost $200. There will be a $10 vendor fee and a $5 entrance fee.
Motion to proceed with the hamfest at the fire science building moved, seconded by Charles/John – Passed
Old Business
Field Day
The fairgrounds will allow us to use Gottschalk Park at the fair entrance for $100, no insurance requirements. They will allow access to electricity, bathrooms and shelter. They also assured us the sprinklers will be turned off. Motion to approve Jake/Phil – Passed
Dan brought the club up to date with his ham radio club at Little River School. He was able to use the $500 to purchase many thousands of dollars’ worth of radio and accessories. He has four students signed up.
ACØRL discussed his new shack.
No New Business
Apr 23 WØUY
Two rounds of 50/50
Winner first round was Melody, winning two books.
Winner second round for the cash was KBØZIA, which he donated back to the club, $30

2000 Meeting adjourned, Peace and harmony prevailing…

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