Minutes: June 13, 2023

Minutes: June 13, 2023

1900 Meeting Called to order


* Derby Sidewalk Sale Saturday June 17th

*Field Day: Set up at the National Guard Armory at 9 a.m. Friday, June 23. Tear down will be at noon Sunday.

Minutes read

Treasurer’s report

Repeater trustee report

Old Business

* Band-pass filters will not be available until September (maybe).

* Field Day:

KAØNES – Water

ACØRL – Pizza

ACØRL will bring K3 and computer for logging

KFØBZM will bring Yaesu 891 for FT8

*Kansas QSO Party:

9AM- 9PM, August 26 and 9AM-3PM August 27. We will be at ACØRL’s QTH. We’ll be running multi high power CW, PHONE.

New Business

* June 20 WØRHP
* June 27 KAØNES
* July 4 NO NET

Next Meeting on July 11


WØRHP won and donated $7 back to the club

1938 Meeting adjourned

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