Minutes: April 11, 2023

Minutes: April 11, 2023

1901 Meeting called to order


March minutes read
Treasurer’s report read
Repeater trustee’s report

Old Business

Field Day
A motion was made to hold it at the Armory. We will run two radios: phone and digital/cw. We need to look into bandpass filters and duplexers.

This will also be at the Armory. We will need two rooms.

KS QSO Party
This will be a W0WR event at ACØRL’s QTH. We will operate phone, CW, and FT8.

New Business

4-18: WØUY
4-25: KAØNES

Show and Tell
Clint, KEØJVX, brought a Morserino-32. See photo below.

ACØRL won and put the $10 into the club’s treasury.

WØUY is scaling back his equipment needs and has provided a list of items. See photo below. These things have already been sold: solder, radial ground plate, and QRP rigs.

20:00 Meeting adjourned

Clint’s Morserino-32 Morse Code device, combining keyer, trainer, decoder, and transceiver.
A list of things WØUY has for sale. Note in the minutes what has already been sold.
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