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Bandpass filter news

Bandpass filter news

ACØRL, our secretary-treasurer, repeater trustee, and all-around making-things-happen guy, says: “The filters have arrived, I bench tested them and here are my results. We should also do testing with radios.”

Here is the PDF of Jerry’s testing results.

Minutes: October 10, 2023

Minutes: October 10, 2023

1902 Meeting called to order

* December 16th Derby Radio Shack closing.
* Bob Stone will need assistance with his antenna install.
* September minutes read and accepted. Zack/Phil, passed.
* Treasurer’s report read, Clint/Larry, passed.
* Repeater trustee reports all nominal.
Old Business
* DX Engineering filters
New bandpass filters will not available. Refurbished filters are available for $400 each, Jerry ordered two, and we will be receiving a $638.70 refund. Should arrive October 12. Will announce a test of the filters.
* Christmas party
Last year we spent $322.50 for meat and potatoes. This year we will be ordering pulled pork, turkey, and a double helping of potatoes. Motion to spend $400 for food, Clint/Phil, passed. The party is December 14 in the Rice Park Shelter. There will no plate charge, just bring plenty of side items for pot luck.
* Because of the arrival of the bandpass filters, we purchased a DXCC-LB fan dipole antenna and 100 feet of RG8X from the Derby Radio Shack for $275.
* Armory
Topeka wants to charge us for future use of the facility. Some reimbursement for the cost of utilities? The local staff is not happy about this because they see our organization as a benefit to their mission. The Army accidentally doubled the $6 billion payment to Ukraine, accounting error?
* ARRL membership
The club promotes the membership to ARRL. ARRL no longer makes it easy for clubs to benefit when members renew or sign up via the club. ARRL, like the rest of us, is pinched financially.
* DMR repeater
No word.
* Scholarship
Mark will be canvasing the Reno County Schools. This is a $500 scholarship, but last year we had no takers.
New Business
* ACØRL will be doing a big cleanup of his shed and work area. Volunteers will be appreciated
* The Hutchinson Public Library will be hosting an Urban Legends event on the 26th. You must preregister to attend.
10/17 KBØSQL
10/24 KAØNES
10/31 ACØRL
11/07 WØRHP
* 50/50
KFØBZM won, and donated the $6 pot to the club

1958 Meeting adjourned, Phil/Charles.

Minutes: September 12, 2023

Minutes: September 12, 2023

19:02 Meeting called to order

* KAØNES’s brother passed away in Wisconsin.
* EOC wants to do a test of our capabilities to communicate during a trunking system failure. They are requesting 14+ local hams using HTs or mobiles position themselves throughout the county at predetermined locations, fire stations most likely. We are giving everyone a heads-up because we will need to have the folks available. We’ll let everyone know when the test is scheduled.

August Minutes read and accepted, Phil/Clint
Treasures report read and accepted, Joe/Larry
Repeater trustee reports all WØWR repeaters nominal.

Old Business
* KS QSO Party WØL
Thanks to all of the participants who made it a huge success. We really put WØWR on the state map as an active club that can get things done!
* Band-pass Filters
New shipping date of Feb 7, 2024, just in time for Field Day
* Club funds
We discussed taking a portion of the club funds and putting them into a high yield CD. We will choose a term and yield to maximize return. Motion to spend $5,000 for the CD by Larry/Roger was passed.
* Hamfest review
We spent a total of $363.08 between food and door prizes. We deposited $105 for refreshments and $327 for raffle and donations for a total of $432. We profited $7.97 from refreshments. We profited $60.95 from raffle and donations. The total gain was $68.92, which is not an outstanding financial gain, but we are gaining a reputation for holding a great hamfest.
Some of the takeaways:

  • We had a lot of food leftover.
  • Food did not generate revenues, either lower costs or charge more next year.
  • Need more door prizes, require vendors to provide a door prize, donations from other sources.
  • Stick to a schedule of what will be raffled and when.

The next hamfest will be August 10, 2024.

New business
* Motion to purchase a second antenna and required feed line by Clint/Joe, passed. It will be an Alpha Delta DXCC type, 120 feet RG8X. We will purchase is from the Derby Radio Shack, and we set a $350 budget.
* Armory cookies
To remain in their good graces, we should continue to give them cookies on occasion. No oatmeal raisin.
* Christmas Party
This will be at 6:30 p.m., December 12, at Rice Park. We will use Carriage Crossing to provide cooked meats. We will be charging a per-plate fee which will be determined by per-plate costs from Carriage Crossing. If a member brings a side dish or dessert, they will pay half price; if a member does not bring a side dish, they will pay the entire fee.
* DMR repeater
This repeater was struck by lightning a while back, and it needs some parts replaced. We have a good number of users on that repeater as it supports DMR, Fusion, and AP25. Motion to spend $150 to reimburse expenses on the DMR repeater repair by Mark/Clint. Passed
* ARRL membership renewal via the club
Have to ask Ron Cowan

9-19 ACØMO

20:23 Meeting Adjourned

KS QSO Party 2023 totals

KS QSO Party 2023 totals

Many thanks to the folks who participated in the QSO party. We logged 1,216 SSB and CW contacts, 64 FT8 contacts. Thanks to Zack, Charles, Joe, Dan, Scott, and John.



KS QSO Party 2023 coming soon

KS QSO Party 2023 coming soon

The Kansas QSO Party is right around the corner!

The club call WØWR is sponsoring the WØL special event call at the ACØRL QTH, 1824 Nickerson Blvd., Hutchinson.

It runs from 9 AM to 9 PM Saturday the 26th and 9 AM to 3 PM Sunday the 27th.

Please let me know if and when you can attend and operate a station so I can make sure we have all of the stations manned.

If you have ever wondered what it is like to be on the receiving end of a pile-up, here’s your chance.

We will be operating multi-op, four stations:

1. FT8 – operated by KBØSQL
2. K2 CW/SSB 40m
3. K3 SSB 20m
4. K3 CW/SSB 15/10m.

Water and snacks will be provided.

Please review the rules at the party website.

Hamfest ’23 Wrap-up

Hamfest ’23 Wrap-up

We had an outstanding hamfest this year.

Attendance exceeded last year’s, with about 100 attendees and exhibitors.

Of course, it wasn’t without its hitches, from the start when we arrived the place was a disaster. We walked in and they had been painting the large hall. The overspray covered everything, and there was high lift equipment in the way. Those that showed up started sweeping and mopping the floors and Charles and Sgt. Seal moved the high lifts. We did a fair job of cleaning up and putting out tables and chairs.

A couple folks arrived to set up early.

Saturday morning, Charles opened up around 6:45 and folks began to set up. All the tables were used and the facility was jam-packed. Great stuff was for sale and great memories were made.

We took in $105 in refreshment sales and $327 in raffle tickets for the prizes for a total of $432. Estimated expenses of $228.43 for the radio and about $40 for refreshments for a total expense about $268.43. That leaves the club with about $163.57 profit!

Added to our existing bank balance of $8,228.77, that gives us about $8,392.34.

Thanks to all those who volunteered and made this happen!

Minutes: August 8, 2023

Minutes: August 8, 2023

1900 Meeting called to Order

* 67 repeater restored
* Bill Gormly, WDØBCS
Minutes read, Phil/ John motioned, passed
Treasurer’s report read, Joe/Larry motion, passed
Repeater Trustee
* 67 power supply replaced
The blockhouse may be renovated, heat, ac, backup power, paint, cleanup. We’re not sure if we will still be permitted to use the facility in the future.
* 12 machine may shut down due to overtemp on hot days, but it will cycle back on.
Old business
* Hamfest, August 12. Setup 4-5 p.m. Friday, August 11.
KBØSQL – tickets, coffee pots, coolers
KAØNES – coffee, doughnuts, water
NØFXG – ice
ACØRL – cups, napkins, bullhorn, white board
KS QSO Party
* Testing of the multi-high power setup was performed. Thank you KAØNES and ACØMO. Event is August 26/27 at ACØRL’s QTH.
New business
* None.
* 8/15 WØRHP
* 8/22 KAØNES
* 8/29 KBØSQL
* 9/5 ACØMO
50/50 won by WØRHP, $8 donated back to club.

1958 Meeting adjourned

Minutes: July 11, 2023

Minutes: July 11, 2023

1900 Meeting called to order

* Check received and deposited from NØFHF’s estate for $2,500

Minutes read and accepted

Treasurer’s report read and accepted

Repeater trustee reports 67 machine down

Old Business

* KS QSO Party August 27-28 at ACØRL’s QTH

* Hamfest, August 12
$250 motion and passed for hamfest radio door prize
To be discussed at August meeting

New business

* Investing or saving a portion of the club monies

* Scholarship: Begin advertising October-November time frame

7/18 ACØMO
8/1 WØUY

50/50 drawing was won by Joe

Radio Kittens are available from ACØMO

Bob Stone, KAØRNZ, will need antenna help when it cools down. Call him at 620-727-0755

1952 Meeting adjourned

Field Day 2023 Report

Field Day 2023 Report

Charles, Mark, and Jerry wish to thank all who participated in the 2023 Field Day event.

We had a good turnout for setup and teardown. Considering when the folks that made the mad cow were thinking that strong young firefighters would be dealing with it, us old guys did pretty good.

We had the tower at its maximum height of 106 feet and it was wonderful to have a dipole up that high.

Never had problems making contacts.

Tom Lappin, WØUY, added 650 points to the club aggregate score when he submitted his FD info to ARRL. He had 152 CW contacts and 50 points for online form submission.

Field Day Entry

Minutes: June 13, 2023

Minutes: June 13, 2023

1900 Meeting Called to order


* Derby Sidewalk Sale Saturday June 17th

*Field Day: Set up at the National Guard Armory at 9 a.m. Friday, June 23. Tear down will be at noon Sunday.

Minutes read

Treasurer’s report

Repeater trustee report

Old Business

* Band-pass filters will not be available until September (maybe).

* Field Day:

KAØNES – Water

ACØRL – Pizza

ACØRL will bring K3 and computer for logging

KFØBZM will bring Yaesu 891 for FT8

*Kansas QSO Party:

9AM- 9PM, August 26 and 9AM-3PM August 27. We will be at ACØRL’s QTH. We’ll be running multi high power CW, PHONE.

New Business

* June 20 WØRHP
* June 27 KAØNES
* July 4 NO NET

Next Meeting on July 11


WØRHP won and donated $7 back to the club

1938 Meeting adjourned