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Author: Bryon Cannon

Meeting: June 11, 2024

Meeting: June 11, 2024

1900 Called to order by President, KBØSQL.

* VFW Sidewalk Sale, 4801 W. Douglas, Wichita, Saturday, June 15, setup at 6 a.m., ends 12?
* Field Day Site survey and meeting, Fairgrounds, 3:30 p.m. Monday, June 17. Details: Parking of Mad Cow on grass? Driving stakes? 811 and sprinkler locations. Electrical. Overnight camping.
* Very good turnout, so introductions were made.
* May 13th and April 9th minutes were read.
* Treasurer’s report read, Jake/Ron motion to accept, passed.
* Repeater trustee reports nominal operation of all club repeaters.
Hamfest Committee
Zack will present a table layout.
Old Business
Field Day checklist and discussion, see below.
New Business
* Christmas Party, December 10, Rice Park Community Building. Carriage Crossing will provide meats, a veggie, and potato dish. Membership is encouraged to bring pot-luck, desserts, veggies, etc.
* Jun 18: KBØSQL
* Jun 25: KAØNES
* July 2: WØRHP

50/50 KFØBZM won and donated to club, $15.

2011 Meeting adjourned.

Additional Field Day Notes

Will need a volunteer to copy the ARRL Bulletin the prior evening using PSK/RTTY.

Will need youth operators at our GOTA, Dan’s class?

Todd or Adam should visit to fulfill agency requirement.

Mad Cow will require full tank.

Field Day Band Plan

Sat 1PM-8PM 20m 15M 10-6M
Sat 8PM – Midnite 40M 20M All others
Sun Midnite – 8AM 80M 40M All others
Sun 8AM – end 20M 15M 10-6M

Asset Worksheet

Existing Assets Qty Provider
Bandpass filters and jumpers 2 RCKARA
Multiband Antennas 3 RCKARA
RG8X 100+ foot rolls 3 RCKARA
Rope, various lengths   AC0RL
Banners 2 RCKARA
Power Strip 1 RCKARA
Needed Assets QTY Provider
Double Female barrel fittings 3  
Tuners and coax jumpers 2 KF0BZM/AC0RL
Tent cover ? ?
Long 12/3 Extension cords 2 KF0BZM/AC0RL
Power Strips ? KF0BZM/?
Media Relations   Gina
Political   Steve Garza
Duct/electrical tape ? AC0RL/?
Caution tape ? KB0SQL/?
Bug Zappers 2 AC0RL/?
Bug Spray ? Everyone
SSB Radio 1 EOC
CW/FT8 Radio 1 AC0RL/?
Plastic folding tables ? AC0RL/KF0BZM/?
Folding Chairs 8 AC0RL?
Lawn Chairs ? everyone
Water proof Tarps with tiedowns or weights ? Dean/?
Water   RCKARA
Snacks   Everyone
Ice Chests 3 Kb0SQL/?
Saturday Night Pizza   AC0RL
GOTA Station   Ron
Tools, hammers, etc   Everyone
LED Lights   KF0BZM/?
Fans ? KB0ZIA/?
Food tent 1 ?
Meeting: March 12, 2024

Meeting: March 12, 2024

Our meetings require a minimum of ten members to have a quorum.

We had 8 at 7PM, then we decided to give it up by 7:30PM.

We did discuss with Dan his school project, and other ham-related topics, but there was no official meeting.

Thank you to those members that did show up.

Jerome Kahn

Minutes: March 9, 2021

Minutes: March 9, 2021

Meeting called to order at 1900 at the AMVETS
I did not count heads, but I think we had about 12-15 show up!
New member introduction: Clint Thomas, KEØJVX.
Minutes read and accepted.
Treasurer’s report read and accepted.
Repeater Trustee: KDØYLA suggested we link the 146.670 and the 147.720 repeaters.

Old Business
* Hamfest proposed for Sept 25th at the AMVETS. Hold exams.
* Field Day:
The ARRL has extended last year’s rules that allow people operating from their home stations to compete with all others. IMHO, this has taken all of the fun out of Field Day. You just can’t compete, so now it is just another contest. That said, if we can’t get the Armory, they want money, then we can do it at my house. If you can’t beat them, join them.

New Business
* Zack, WØZC, is doing another balloon launch at 10 a.m. May 1st at the airport. He is in need of chasers. If you have never chased before, you just need an APRS receiver to get the position packets from the balloon to follow it. Contact Zack at
* Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing special radio event 3/24-30. Go here for info.
* QCWA Special QSO Party 3/13-14. Go here for info.

3/16: ACØMO
3/23: KAØNES
3/30: ACØRL

50/50 won by KDØYLA; he donated his winnings to the club, $23.
ADØLR won the shirt drawing

ACØMO brought a junk store treasure, an old Babcock mobile HF tube rig.

Meeting adjourned 1941.
This was the best attended and most enjoyable meeting in the last year.
Jerome (Jerry) Kahn, ACØRL

Minutes: January 12, 2021

Minutes: January 12, 2021

January’s meeting was called to order at the AMVETS at 1900 local

Last November’s minutes were read

Treasurers report was read, attached

No old business.

New Business:

* KØRCJ, Richard Johnson has requested that the club deal with his radio gear when he passes.

* Field Day is still a go at the Armory

* Hamfest date to be determined after discussions with Derby RS and D&L, location at Armory


* Jan 19 – ACØMO

* Jan 26 – KAØNES

* Feb 2 – KBØSQL

Meeting closed at 1920

Don’t forget about our Club nets at 2000 on the 147.120 on Tuesdays and or “CB” net at 2000 on the 147.120, log in with your call and handle.

Also club dues are due, $25 individual, $30 Family.

Two Silent Keys

Two Silent Keys

John Smith, NØOBY, died Nov. 22, 2019.  He was a member of RCKARA.  His funeral service will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 27, at Journey at South Hutchinson, 808 S. Poplar, South Hutchinson, KS.  You may read his obit here.
Eugene Zheng, AAØQP, formerly of Hutchinson and former member of RCKARA, died October 20, 2019.  You may read his obit here.